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About DSA

About DSA

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. More than 220 companies are members of the association, including many well-known brand names.

DSA is a leader in promoting consumer protection standards and information about the industry. This very Web site is an important tool for those interested in learning more about direct selling, and serves as a solid resource for those who may have questions. Getting involved in direct selling is an easy, low-cost way to start your own business and earn extra income, but just because the risk is low doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be fully informed before you get started.

One of DSA’s most important roles involves administration of the DSA Code of Ethics, a self-regulatory consumer protection document that has been in place and evolving for more than 30 years. The Code of Ethics is a living document that includes provisions relating to the interests of both consultants and their customers.

Prior to obtaining full DSA membership, each applicant company goes through a one-year screening process to ensure compliance with all provisions of the Code. Continued compliance is a requirement for membership in the Association, and is enforced by an Independent Code Administrator who receives, investigates and prescribes a remedy for all complaints. All member companies go through the review process at least once every five years and must abide by any determinations made by the Code Administrator. Click here for complete information about DSA’s Code of Ethics.

DSA also works to promote direct selling by educating consumers and interested individuals. Having accurate and complete information about direct selling is critical to having a successful experience, whether you are a consumer of the products and services, or are interested in becoming a consultant. There is much to know and understand about direct selling and DSA is committed to providing that information in a reliable, understandable format.

Of less immediate importance to sellers and their customers is DSA’s work in making sure marketplace conditions are favorable for direct sellers. DSA works with local, state, national and international legislators and regulators to make sure appropriate laws and regulations are in place that protect the interests of direct sellers and consumers who choose to shop this way.